The problem with camera/spot-spray systems that nobody wants to talk about - Part 4
OK, after three meaty articles so far that go deep into the weeds, my summary is simply this;
Based on my assessment and absent any evidence to the contrary (after publishing this information widely), it appears that EVERY single spot capable camera system, at least in Australia has a rate controller calibrating on blanket, not spot rates.
I can only identify one single spot capable system on the market in Australia (today) with a spray rate controller that correctly calibrates and mages rates based on nozzle height and angle. That is the WEED-IT Quadro. (sensors not cameras).
That means if you don't have a WEED-IT Quadro, (or a WeedSeeker 2 because it does not use your rate controller) you ought to be literally doubling the controller rate setting and getting the bigger nozzles required to calibrate correctly. Otherwise you will be putting on half the rate you think you are in single spot mode. (Not exactly but close).
As Agrifac AicPlus users know, Agrifac being the one manufacturer who acknowledges they are working in blanket mode by advising you to double your rates when going single spot; you can batch up a hot brew to do it, but the label (which I must follow) still requires you to "Calibrate your sprayer to 100 l/ha”, not 50 l/ha.
This is not an ad for WEED-IT, just an attempt to inform you all of what you are dealing with when you select the single-spot option with a rate control system not specifically designed for it. I'm comparing them to a spot sprayer we all know about, that is calibrated correctly.
Everyone with a single spot capable system, regardless of what it is, can get the correct nozzles and controller settings at the link below.
Any questions, just call.
08 6102 5886
Disclaimer - There may be other systems under development in Australia or information about potential improvements from manufacturers about which I am unaware. If any such information is available, please contact me and I will share it.